

立即報名 11/29 立即報名 11/30

Taiwan International Education Summit





As an island of technology, Taiwan possesses the most multi-dimensional innovation and industry momentum in education. However, when it comes to the local educational technology industry and its international prestige, Taiwan is far from being the pioneer. As a result, we hope to lay the cornerstone to Taiwan’s innovative educational technology industry by holding international forums to raise domestic awareness and build connections with the world. We have also been actively launching educational technology accelerator projects, and organizing a variety of innovation and entrepreneurship events regarding education. Hoping to make the best use of Taiwan’s advantages, we wish to transform Taiwan into being Asia’s education hubbub of research and innovation, and therefore bring impact on Chinese education markets, such as China, Hong Kong, Macau and Malaysia. Keeping close ties with the Asian market and breaking into the global education market are our greatest aspirations.
According to the Global Education Technology Report, global education spending is expected to grow at an annual rate of 8%, higher than the 4% of global GDP growth, and reach 8 trillion U.S. dollars by 2020. Educational technology spending will grow at a rate of 17% per year, and will exceed 250 billion U.S. dollars by 2020. In terms of geography, the Asia-Pacific region boasts the fastest growth rate, with an annual growth rate of 20%. By 2020, it will occupy 54% of the global educational technology market. Therefore, Taiwan's innovative education industry should seek to become the hubbub of Asia, setting up further examples and stimulating new imaginations, so that young generations will be willing to enter this new field of educational technology. With a thriving and sustainable market, we can then accelerate the implementation of educational reform.

ZA SHARE was commissioned by the National Development Council to hold a forum on educational technology this year— “Taiwan International Education Summit” (TIES). With two main themes: “Cultivating Educational Tech Unicorn” and “Aim High Fearlessly for Future Education”, the forum invites experts and scholars from home and abroad to share their insights regarding entrepreneurship and investment in the educational technology industry, and the key to cultivating future talents. Free of charge, the-two-day forum is open to public participation and invites further exchanges and sharing from the public. Whether it is taking part in talks that interest you, or standing on the shoulders of the international community to gain a broader perspective, it is essential to understand the current trend and foresee the future. Living in an ever-changing world, we need to keep up with the times as we learn, and trigger different ideas and practices on future education innovation.



  • 利啟正 Richard Li

    Google 台灣與香港行銷副總經理 Country Marketing Manager, Google Taiwan & Hong Kong

    目前擔任 Google 台灣與香港行銷副總經理,負責 Google 在臺灣的行銷營運,職責範圍包括消費性產品、企業對企業 (B2B) 與品牌行銷。利啟正於資訊界服務多年,在品牌管理、行銷策略、公共關係、線上廣告、網路/通路/整合/產品行銷等領域擁有豐富的資歷與實務經驗,並曾服務於蘋果電腦 (Apple)、Accenture、IBM 等跨國企業。他曾獲得 2013 年 MVP 經理人、2012 年行銷傳播傑出貢獻獎之年度傑出品牌行銷人獎,以及龍璽獎、金投賞、華文公關獎之肯定,並三度獲選廣告雜誌臺灣區年度十大行銷個案。

  • Waris Candra

    Micro:bit Educational Foundation 亞洲區執行長 Head of Asia Pacific Micro:bit Educational Foundation

    Waris Candra是科技教育界的領袖,專精於BBS Micro:bit與多項亞洲STEAM創新教育推廣,並與其夥伴在Micro:bit生態圈中持續教師所需的教學支援。

  • 蘇仰志 Ozzie Su

    雜學校創辦人 Founder, ZA SHARE


  • 曾正忠 Vincent Tseng

    台大創創中心執行長 CEO, Taidah Entrepreneurship Center


  • 林士翔 Jerry Lin

    CodingBar執行長Founder, CodingBar

    CodingBar 提供「程式學習」的創新體驗。鎖定11~18歲青少年程式學習市場,因應資訊科技的最新潮流,開發多元選擇的程式學習模式,讓學生從實體教室的僵化束縛中解放,在客製化的彈性學程中自由探索,厚植邏輯思考與創新應用的核心學習力。

  • 張致嘉 John Chang

    如荼科技股份有限公司執行長 CEO, LUDO tech.co


  • 扣扣老師 Ms Chocho

    小人小學執行長 Founder &CEO, Skidschool

    也藉由推出扣扣老師的自媒體節目,把課程的Know how實際變成線上教學,教導家長如何在家維繫親子關係。

  • 雲志文 Vincent Yun

    課外通執行長 CEO, ExLearn


  • 葉明森 San Yeh

    樂齡智總經理General Manager, Learnings


  • 楊志偉 Brian Yang

    交大思源基金會董事 Director, NCTU Spring Foundation

    Brian Yang在中國及歐美有十年以上的創業公司運營及投資經驗。曾協助矽谷編程機器人公司Wonder Workshop高達四千萬美元的B/C輪融資及亞太市場策略,也以天使投資人及美元基金機構投資人的身份,廣泛接觸矽谷深圳及臺北的創業投資及加速器社群。

  • 成之璇 Tina Cheng

    心元資本 合夥人 Partner, Cherubic Ventures

    心元資本的執行合夥人, 負責全球投資及投後業務, 她畢業於臺灣政治大學廣告系以及美國加州 UCLA 商學管理研究所。她曾任職於奧美集團、美國雅虎、美國思科、Trianz 管理顧問等公司,也曾在臺灣共同創辦 EnvisionRecruit 教育行銷顧問公司。

  • 程希瑾 Cjin Cheng

    矽谷Hustle fund 合夥人 Venture Partner, Hustle Fund

    現為矽谷種子期創投 Hustle Fund 的 Venture Partner;曾經歷共同創辦三間軟體公司,曾任500 Startups 的 Venture Partner。

  • 游瑞德 Reed Tu

    中華民國創業投資商同公會秘書長 Secretary General, Taiwan Venture Capital Associati


  • 鄭淑華 Betty Cheng

    香港翻轉教學協會副會長 Vice-president, FlippEducators@HK

    現職香港華人基督教聯會真道書院,擔任專業發展主任、中國語文科統籌,任教香港中學文憑中國語文科、IBDP國際文憑語言及文學科。蘋果傑出教育工作者ADE2013、蘋果專業培訓專家APLS。2018獲「親子天下」選為教育創新100領袖。2016年創辦香港翻轉教學協會,現為副會長,合著有《翻轉Teach & Learn — 8位老師帶你走進不一樣的教室》,是香港第一部前線老師談論翻轉課堂的專書。

  • 張展瑋 Kelvin Cheung

    任教於香港瑪利諾中學Teacher at Maryknoll Secondary School


  • 徐煊博 Hsu Hsuan-Po

    程式老爹公司負責人General Manger, Papacode Education Ltd.


  • 徐之杰 Glen Hsu

    2018-2019 奇幻盃全球挑戰賽世界冠軍暨第四名指導教練 Champion Coach, 2018-2019 Wonder League Robotics Competition

    中原大學電機研究所畢業,Dash & Dot 講師、英閱音躍研創講師、中原大學EMBA程式業師、桃園青年局程式業師,桃園私立有得國小、新竹私立康乃爾國小等多所國小程式老師。
    Dash & Dot 2019世界賽第一、四名指導教練並獲得15萬獎金;Dash & Dot 2018世界賽第三名指導教練。

  • 余宛如 Karen Yu

    民進黨第九屆不分區立法委員 Legislator of DPP


  • 藍偉瑩 Lan Wei-Ying

    瑩光教育協會理事長 Association of Education Support for Taiwan Chairman


  • 黃國珍 Huang Kuo-Chen

    「品學堂」創辦人兼執行長Founder & CEO, Wisdom Hall Education Co.,Ltd


  • 葉丙成 Yeh Ping-Cheng (Benson)

    PaGamO /BoniO lnc. 執行長 CEO & Co-Founder, PaGamO/Bonio Inc.

    葉丙成,號丙紳,任教於台大電機系,現借調擔任 PaGamO/BoniO Inc. 執行長職務。提倡「BTS教學法」,創造「PaGamO」教學模組,並外銷至馬來西亞與中國,立下臺灣企業在華文線上教學平臺的灘頭堡。從2013年積極投入翻轉教學,在臺灣舉辦過數百場演講,是臺灣推動「翻轉教育」風潮中無法忽略的重要推手。

  • 洪詠善 Hung Yung-shan

    國際藝術教育學會(InSEA)世界大會委員 World Councilor of International Society for Education through Art (InSEA)


  • 陳治平 Bernard Chan

    ALPHA Camp (AC) 創辦人 Founder, ALPHA Camp

    ALPHA Camp (AC) 創辦人,致力透過科技,培育人才,幫助亞洲人發展有意義、有價值的職涯。創辦 AC 前為 iClick Interactive 的 Head of Product (產品長) - iClick 在 2017 年在美國 NASDAQ 上市。曾擔任 Yahoo!亞太區廣告平臺業務總監、以及全球三大顧問公司 Bain & Company 的管理顧問。出生香港、加拿大滑鐵盧大學 (University of Waterloo) 電機與經濟雙學士,美國麻省理工學院 MBA 畢業。在美國,北京,香港有多次新創經驗。

  • 徐正賢 Jeff Hsu

    蓬勃國際運動事業股份有限公司董事長 President/Cofounder, Peak Force International Inc.

    12年前放棄矽谷工作回臺進行運動紮根希望工程,投入運動訓練業至今已服務20多國代表隊,更與美國運科博士Dr. Sato創立PEAK FORCE,為亞洲唯一以科學證據為基礎與國際鏈結為核心價值的運動員與教練育成加速器品牌。

  • 陳睿潼 Vince Chan

    Chicago Booth Angels Network (Hong Kong) 和 Creta Ventures 聯合創始人Cofounder, Creta Ventures


  • 許樂家 Randolph Hsu

    活水資本創辦人 Partner, Ondine Capital

    Kuan Capital合夥人:收購並管理GGV Capital在亞洲的第一期基金、收購以色列科技顧問公司31North、投資美國奇點大學母公司Singularity Education Group。中金資本副總經理,在任期間主導投資早期科技創新企業,總投資金額超過30億臺幣,其中投出三個獨角獸企業。

  • 蔡伃婷



  • 陳怡光 Tim Chen



  • 許毓仁 Jason Hsu

    中國國民黨 立法委員


    年輕時執著於找故事、說故事。 喜好文學、電影, 大學主修英文和新聞,,工作和求學的足跡踏遍世界各地,只為了蒐集可以永遠駐留在你我心中的價值與感動。年少曾追尋 Che 的腳步在中南美洲開啟生命的壯遊。
    畢業後第一份工作擔任 Taiwan News主筆室翻譯,也在 Nike 擔任教育訓練講師, 曾跟著 UNESCO 到西安做永續經營 (sustainable development)的都市規劃, 亦曾與朋友們在舊金山的車庫創業。永遠都在跨界、翻轉!
    2008年創辦「The Big Question Conference」鼓勵年輕人:「問對的問題、走自己的路」。2009年成功取得TED授權,創立TEDxTaipei,打造台灣說故事與分享點子的平台,,向世界演說台灣人的故事。到2015年已累計舉辦超過600多場演講,希望透過長期深耕的方式持續經營此一華人知識庫, 期待下一個十年是華人分享智慧、創造改變的年代。

  • 顏君庭 Peter Yen

    Pinkoi 共同創辦人兼執行長

    碩士畢業於美國Carnegie Mellon University電機資訊學院碩士,大學畢業於台灣大學,曾在美國矽谷工作長達七年,也曾任職於美國Yahoo全球總部,並帶領研發多項全球產品服務,包括開發Yahoo Answers。在美國生活時,Peter幾乎每週都會逛市集,喜歡挖掘舊金山的設計師小店,聽他們怎麼努力讓自己的設計被看見。為了追求夢想及重視人的價值,與兩位夥伴共同創立Pinkoi設計商品購物網站,幫助亞洲設計產業創造更多機會,也將優質的設計師帶往國際,目標是打造一個讓生活更美好的設計生態圈。


Cultivating Educational Tech Unicorn


  • 11:10-12:00

    “Intelligent Taiwan” Program’s dedication in education

    Google在世界各地不遺餘力的深耕教育,而近年更是於臺灣推廣智慧臺灣計畫強調人才培育,並投資臺灣的教育團隊,本場將分享Grow with Google 源起、背景、課程介紹等,以及在臺灣的推廣成果,與相關的雲端學習工具,適合對本計畫有興趣的團隊單位一起參與。

    Google has been dedicating its efforts to education around the globe and for the last few years, Google’s“Intelligent Taiwan” Program has been cultivating talents and offering support to Taiwan’s education teams. This session will introduce participants to“Grow with Google,” including its origin, background, course introduction, promotion results in Taiwan, as well as other related cloud learning programs. This session is welcome to all parties interested in this program.

    • 利啟正 Richard Li
  • 13:10-14:00

    Inspiring Next Generation Innovators with Digital Creativity


    This session will explore the amazing, unique and exciting micro:bit journey in schools around Asia Pacific region and how it has impacted learning and teaching processes for tens of thousands of teachers and hundreds of thousands of children to learn computational thinking. There are various key stakeholders in this journey as every local ecosystem has different initiatives, structure and partners to work with. On grassroots level, there are thousands of workshops being conducted with teachers, showcases by makers, Non Profit Organisations running Hour of Code, micro:bit champion school and on governmental level, there are nationwide efforts by government departments working with local training companies, entrepreneurs, charities and many more. The core values of these initiatives are mostly focusing on meaningful curriculum, sustainable progammes in K-12 schools, building teachers’ capacity, and celebrating learning successes.

    • Waris Candra
  • 14:10-15:30

    Educational Technology Vertical Accelerator Program: a Short Talk


    ZA SHARE collaborated with Taidah Entrepreneurship Center to launch the first “Education Technology Vertical Accelerator Program” in Taiwan. Five teams were chosen to receive six-month training and provided with efficient, interdisciplinary resources that integrate the government, institute and research. They also underwent actual market validation and are incorporated with the value chains. This session will introduce participants to the process of the Accelerator and its fruitful results.

    • 蘇仰志 Ozzie Su
    • 曾正忠 Vincent Tseng
    • 張致嘉 John Chang
    • 林士翔 Jerry Lin
    • 扣扣老師 Ms Chocho
    • 葉明森 San Yeh
    • 雲志文 Vincent Yun
  • 15:50-17:10

    Embracing the 8 trillion dollar educational market - Observations from the Edtech Venture Capital front

    本場邀請具美國、臺灣與中國經驗的資深創投圈人士與會,分享投資教育科技公司的經驗。活躍於美國與亞洲的心元資本,曾參與多家紐約上市公司,包括英語流利說(NYSE: LAIX)的早期投資;Hustle fund 團隊來自矽谷,曾輔導過上百家新創團隊,尤其在產品開發,用戶增長跟行銷方面;活水資本是由京東及知名創投GGV背景的資深投資人成立,去年開始投資教育領域;來自香港的Creta Ventures 合夥人Vance,長期活躍于大中華地區的教育投資社群。

    We put together a panel of VCs with extensive Ed-tech investment experiences in U.S., China, and Taiwanese markets. Cherubic Venture has invested now NYSE listed LAIZ, Hustle fund specialize in helpiing companies in growth hacking, Ondine Capital has a few STEM investments in the pipeline ,and Creta Ventures has been an active player in Greater China Edtech theme.

    • 楊志偉 Brian Yang
    • 程希瑾 Cjin Cheng
    • 成之璇 Tina Cheng
    • 許樂家 Randolph Hsu
    • 陳睿潼 Vince Chan
  • 17:20-17:50

    Entering the 8-trillion-dollar Global Education Market - Angel Investment Project by National Development Fund


    By launching the “Angel Investment Project,” Executive Yuan’s National Development Fund hopes to generate further local entrepreneurial energy, encourage private sectors to develop innovation and application projects, expand the domestic investment market, accelerate industrial innovation, and facilitate economic transition and national development. This session invites the project’s execution unit to share with the participants its insight and knowledge.

    • 游瑞德 Reed Tu

Aim High Fearlessly for Future Education


  • 11:10-12:00

    Everyone Can Create - 運用iPad教學激發學生的創作及感知能力
    Everyone Can Create - How to facilitate student’s creativity and perceptibility with iPad

    人人皆可創作,創作是人的生命熱誠的極致表現,也是深度學習的一種方法。藉由科技工具,我們可以多走一步,讓學生把閱讀帶來的所思所想化為自己的創作,連結生命,成就自己的作品,這樣深度學習才會發生。運用iPad 上的免費工具,拍片動畫、作曲混音,都能輕鬆做到,讓學生多元化地表達自己的想法。一起來看看香港的中學生,運用iPad上課的日常課業。

    Everyone can create. Creation is the ultimate expression of enthusiasm in life and also a way of deep learning. With the help of technological tools, we can go a step further and enable students to turn their reading-inspired thoughts into their creation, connect their lives and produce their works, so that deep learning can take place. Utilizing the free apps on iPad, students can easily make films and animations, compose and remix music to express their ideas in a diversified way. Let’s take a glimpse at how iPad has become part of the scenery in Hong Kong middle schools.

    • 鄭淑華 Betty Cheng
    • 張展瑋 Kelvin Cheung
  • 13:10-14:00

    Technology in Today’s Education Scene


    This session is comprised of short talks by three teachers of varied backgrounds. Despite working in different fields, they all make efforts in “promoting and practicing technological education”. Introducing Coding Ocean, a board game that lowers the threshold for beginners to learn programming through playing; an elementary school programming teacher stirs up a wave of programming champions in the school, and thus further promotes the imagination of AI computing thinking. With the service of digital technology, the ways of learning are unlimited. Education has advanced from a classroom with one teacher to an online customized Q&A service, implementing Confucius’ conviction that teachers should tailor their teaching to students’ varied abilities. Through these three talks, we hope that parents can see the infinite possibilities of the education scene.

    • 徐煊博 Hsu Hsuan-Po
    • 徐之杰 Glen Hsu
    • 蘇詩涵 Stephanie Su
  • 14:10-15:30

    未來人才教育的關鍵Ⅰ - 從國家教育談到未來跨域人才
    Key Issues for Future Talents Education


    The essence of education is human rights and respect for the subjectivity of every individual. Characterized as the most democratic, free and diverse country in Asia, Taiwan has the most solid foundation for the development of education.

    From the national education strategy, sustainable industry development to responding to the future needs of interdisciplinary talents, these are interrelated to achieve successful education policies. Therefore, we hope that through the discussions and dialogues between the government, the enterprises, and the private sector representatives, this session could spark inspiration on how we can fortify the connection of different sectors to accelerate the reform of education and take Taiwan’s education a step further to become a national brand.

    • 蔡伃婷
    • 陳怡光 Tim Chen
    • 許毓仁 Jason Hsu
    • 顏君庭 Peter Yen
  • 15:40-18:30



    What abilities should future generations be equipped with? Is it being curious about things and observant about your surroundings? Or is it imagination, creativity, or self-education? These are the questions that have been plaguing parents, even teachers these days. We invite professional speakers from diverse fields to discuss their ideas and imagine the possibility of future talents, including startup entrepreneurship, teacher training, digital technology, readership cultivation, arts and humanities, programming education, and sports education. We expect this discussion to stimulate parents, teachers, and even our country into think anew about Taiwan’s education policy and the key issues of future talent cultivation.

    • 蘇仰志 Ozzie Su
    • 余宛如 Karen Yu
    • 藍偉瑩 Lan Wei-Ying
    • 葉丙成 Yeh Ping-Cheng (Benson)
    • 黃國珍 Huang Kuo-Chen
    • 洪詠善 Hung Yung-shan
    • 陳治平 Bernard Chan
    • 徐正賢 Jeff Hsu


  • 課外通

    「ExLearn課外通」- 兒童學習發展的最佳規劃師。

    ExLearn – Best after-school course planner for kids; We collect, filter and integrate information of courses for kids aged 0 to 15, and provide it on a well-organized platform. Parents are now able to obtain information of all suitable courses/activities at one single search on ExLearn. Thru ExLearn, information of selected courses is presented in a concise and precise manner. With a rating system contributed by parents in ExLearn community, we are enabled to provide objective recommendation to parents looking for right courses for their beloved. Arranging courses/activities for kids has never been so efficient and fun to parents. ExLearn stays with you, makes kids happier!

  • 如荼科技

    我們是 LUDO 如荼科技,在去年成功開發出即時分析人體動作的技術,希望能將運動學習推展到一個新的情境:「自拍學運動。」(註)
    聽起來很科幻 / 性感嗎? 🡪 ( / 前後空格 )
    Mami yoga: https://mamiyoga.ludonow.com/mirror-mirror

    註:透過分析自拍影片裡你的動作,LUDO 能分析出動作角度、速率、次數等特徵,給出專業調整回饋和紀錄

    From following Aerobics Tutors in front of TV,
    to sliding stories on instagram while taking the MRT. After a few decades, why do we still only “watch“ to learn from the film?
    We are LUDO Tech. CO, which successfully developed the technology for real-time analysis of human body movements last year. And now we apply this technique to promote a new sports learning experience with a cool function: “Self-timer learning. “(Note)
    You don’t need to spend time on commute to the classroom,
    and don’t have to grind the sweat of strangers in the gym;
    At home, you can learn the basic foundation moves for various exercises by yourself, and your phone will give feedbacks to you.
    Sounds sci-fi?
    Yes…it’s really sci-fi.
    Now, we are cooperating with professionals in different sports fields, we are ready to launch a variety of online interactive sports courses, so that you can know how to “practice“ besides “watching“!
    Now, why not pick up your phone and try it out?
    Mami yoga: https://mamiyoga.ludonow.com/mirror-mirror

    Note: By analyzing your actions in the self-timer film, LUDO can analyze the characteristics of the movement angles, rates, and number of times, giving professional adjustment feedback and records.

  • CodingBar


    CodingBar 提供「程式學習」的創新體驗。鎖定 11~18 歲青少年程式學習市場,因應資訊科技的最新潮流,開發多元選擇的程式學習模式,讓學生從實體教室的僵化束縛中解放,在客製化的彈性學程中自由探索,厚植邏輯思考與創新應用的核心學習力。
    CodingBar 發展「程式教學」的支援體系。系統管理的成效評鑑機制、豐富精煉的雲端教材題庫讓教師更能專注與學生教學互動,教學負擔與門檻大幅降低。不論是學生端或是教師端,雲端智慧學習平台均能精準對應,加速實現「分級教學、高效學習」的教學願景。

    With the development of global economic trends, Taiwan’s industry has undergone many transformations in the past decade and has gradually enter the discovery and running-in period during the transformation. In the face of such changes , we continue to reform the way of talent cultivation to sustain our competitiveness in the world.
    However, Taiwanese children in the adolescent stage, whether in mathematics, science and reading, are among the best in the world, but their performance in adulthood is not as bright as other countries , such as the Netherlands and Israel, which are famous for the innovation.We have to reflect on that, is Taiwanese just a reliable working machine to “get jobs done” rather than an international talent with “innovative capabilities and global scopes”?

  • 樂齡智遊戲
    Learnings Co.,Ltd


    The prevalence of aging population is increasing not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries like Taiwan. The elderly population (65 years and older) is now reaching 4 million in Taiwan. Among the physical and mental health problems of the elderly, degenerative brain diseases and depression were found to be significantly associated with unemployment.

    Image what this may impact our society? That’s why our pursuit is progress for happiness and health for the elderly through the tabletop game we build which is combined with professional process design, OT (Occupational Therapy), psychological analysis and big data analytics. That’s our commitment to enhance the elderly’s playing, reablement experience and achievement via our long-term analytical databases.

    One day, the elderly will play, lead and design games.
    One day, the elderly will serve the elderly.
    Let’s look forward to it.

  • 小人小學

    小人小學是一個針對 3-10 歲談家庭關係的親子品牌,由扣扣老師成立,教父母與孩子成長的學校。

    We’re always thinking ’ what else we can do for the family of this generation? ’
    Skidschool is established by Miss Cho-Cho and a Family brand focuses on children from 3 to 10 year-old and talks about Family Relationship. A school that teaches parents and children to grow up.
    We spread out the importance of family relationship by parent-child outdoor camp, indoor parent-child workshop, educational media and parent-child curation. Expecting that we can go in every family deeply, and make memories belong to home.
    We know situations of every family mostly based on family-relationship consultation and art therapy.
    We also invite expert and team in the educational field to design diversified courses that are thinking inspired and maintaining family relationship.
    And by launching we media program of Miss Cho Cho, we make our knowhow in the course to an online studying, which teaches parents how to maintain parent-child relationship at home.



  • 雜學校依據國發會教育創新深耕計畫,配合108課綱科技領域,協助將VR數位科技導入至偏鄉小學做科技教育課程推廣。整合闇橡科技Surreal Education英文VR- Spelling Gladiator的課程,將科技與教育做融合再配合老師課程安排,加強了學生的學習效益。Phonics聽力與Spelling拼字練習非常適用於課程中的教學或課後練習,甚至是學生考前複習的一大助手。

    英文VR教學示範學校:南投永康國小 高誼婷主任




  • 闇橡科技
    Surreal Education


    Learning English words
    We devoted to make deep impressions of learners to learn English words through VR. Do you want to be an expert? Now, wear your headset. You’ll move into the virtual reality. You can explore English words in accordance with the problems within a limited period of time. Besides, learners have competitions with each other in order to be the ace in the field of English. Have fun in VR!

  • 六書堂數位學習


    LIOSHUTAN is a Taiwanese company that is warm and bold in innovation that adopts western cultural ideas. We are of the same mind with Malala in the belief that “One learner, one teacher, a gadget, and the internet can change the world.” and we propagate it. We created a brand called “WUWOW” to summon the members of “the Great English Squad” to help Taiwan get rid of its bottom dwellers in English ability. Now, the operation is on.

  • 單字救星

    WORD UP單字救星提供教材數位化的服務,運用AI演算法更精準的分析學生的學習狀況,適時推薦最合適的練習內容,並提供多樣的練習模式增加學習記憶點,不僅大幅提升學習效率,更減輕書籍攜帶的不便。

    For students who are learning English as a second language, carrying thick stacks of textbooks around has become a daily routine. In this day and age where mobile technology is prevalent, one might think to themselves: “There’s gotta be a better way!”.
    WORD UP reinvented the way to learn English by making the tradition of carrying heavy textbooks a thing in the past. Out goes the cumbersome and uninspiring vocabulary books and in comes the innovative smartphone app. Using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the WORD UP app analyzes and keeps track of a student’s progress, then tailors a unique learning experience for them. By offering various modes of reviewing words, the app helps students retain newly learned vocabulary much more effectively than the conventional textbook.

  • 萊特豪斯有限公司
    Lighthouse Camps

    Lighthouse Camps創辦人Mark,畢業於史丹佛大學。與KKman,KKcity和KKbox的創辦人Skysoft共同創建了Sinanet(現稱為Sina)。同時他也是很多投資公司的合夥人及Envision Study Group的CEO,Envision Study Group是一家擁有20多年歷史的教育控股公司。
    Mark的兩個小孩就讀臺北的國際學校,同學的家長知道Mark對國外教育有很精闢的見解,每到寒暑假紛紛拜託他開設課程,為了自己的孩子跟他們的同學,Mark與他的團隊,特別量身訂做出一系列針對母語非英文的國際學校學生的課程,深獲同學跟家長的好評,於是決定創辦Lighthouse Camps。

    1. 古希臘文明:臺灣的國際學校從小學開始學習古希臘文明,但是還沒有深入研究。此ELA課程加強了希臘文明的基礎知識,將對哲學、科學、數學、藝術、文學,甚至體育領域感興趣的學生有很大的幫助。
    2. 英語程式設計:新加坡的電腦科學教育領先世界,Mark曾經帶孩子參加過新加坡的程式設計營隊,回到台灣卻找不到類似的課程,所以Lighthouse Camps 特別引進新加坡的英文程式設計課程,這些課程使學生發展獨有的創意並不斷挑戰自我,使他們為快速變化的數字世界做好準備。

    為什麼選擇Lighthouse Camps?
    Lighthouse Camps讓孩子利用生活中的材料發揮天馬行空的想像力,思考如何創作,並啟發創造力、好奇心、批判性思考、不怕犯錯誤和勇於嘗試。在課程結束時以簡報的方式展示他們學到的知識。

    Mark, founder of Lighthouse Camps, graduated from Stanford University. Co-founded Sinanet, now known as Sina, and Skysoft, maker of KKman, KKcity & KKbox. He is also partner with various investment ventures and owner of Envision Study Group which is an educational holding company with more than 20 years.
    Mark’s children attend an international school in Taipei. Due to Mark’s foreign education insight, many of his kids parents looked for him for advice. Every winter and summer vacation he would tailor a series of courses for his kids and his classmates to study abroad.
    After receiving high praise from kids and parents, he decided to bring those ideas to Taiwan and start Lighthouse Camp.

    Featured Programs:
    1. Ancient Greek Civilization: Taiwan’s international schools learn about Ancient Greece in elementary school, but there is not an in-depth study. This ELA lesson strengthens the base knowledge of the Greek civilization, and it will help students interested in the fields of philosophy, science, mathematics, art, literature, and even sports.
    2. English Coding: Singapore’s computer science education ranks high in Asia. Mark took his children to a Singaporean coding camp and returned to Taiwan with interest to bring those English Coding courses through Lighthouse Camps. These courses engage students into thinking outside the box and to constantly challenge themselves, with the goal of preparing them for a fast-changing digital world.

    Why Us?
    Lighthouse Camps provides the tools and materials for kids to express their creativity, to be curious, to think critically, to not be afraid of making mistakes and to keep trying. We let the children be themselves and showcase what they have learned by the end of the course.




  • 國家發展委員會


  • 雜學股份有限公司