作為亞洲最大之教育創新會展,五年來協助台灣超過 1400 個教育新創品牌與體制內外教育工作者實現他們的目標。累計超過 20 萬名付費參觀者以及線上破億的網路聲量,持續締造各種空前的影響力紀錄,並有效整合產官學研各種推進台灣教育改變的力量。
Taiwan’s most recognized international education exhibition
As the biggest innovative education exhibition in Asia, we have assisted over 1,400 new education brands & educators in Taiwan achieve their goals over the past 5 years. With more than 200,000 paid visitors and over 100 million internet posts, we continue to create unprecedented influences, and effectively integrate the power of industry, government and academics to help promote the power to change Taiwan’s education.
ZA SHARE is dedicated to the enabling and innovation of lifelong learning and education. Also, it dynamically creates an ecosystem for the education industry that can keep pace with the times. Each year, we regularly hold international education exhibitions and industry forums, lectures & workshops for all ages, providing exhibitors with the most efficient cross-disciplinary resources and market value chain connections. We also help educators, parents, industry talents and the masses’ learning needs. We adhere to the transformation of society through creativity, skills and capital in order to connect society and further achieve educational transformation.
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Life Drag Show
From birth to death, people have played countless shows in their lives. We put on different costumes which represent different identities, and we interpret the scripts given by modern society. Everyone hopes to play each role well. In fact, what remains the same is oneself underneath the costumes.
But the scripts of the future have been constantly changing. An actor's equipment must adapt and change quickly with the times. We have to learn not only about emotional sensations, but also rational analysis. Changing costumes can be compared to a compulsory course in life. Playing the role of each different character is part of learning, and it needs to be practiced all the time. And thus, we can discover our different selves. Changing is just the process, and growth is the ultimate goal.
This time, ZA SHARE has turned into a platform for learning and creating in order to help different people live their own lives and support everyone to achieve a wonderful life!