
Main Exhibition

如果人生是一場實境變裝秀,雜學校就是多元的伸展台,容納每一個角色、每一種性格,大方展現人生不同階段的豐富樣貌。無論是新式教育、美感教育、設計思考,或是親子關係、永續學習、文化實踐、社會倡議等內容,都是組成雜學的元素。我們匯聚各種正在重新詮釋的可能,構築成為盛大的博覽會,並誠摯邀請你來參與這場變裝秀 ─ 透過交流、對談、思考激盪,在吸收與釋放的過程中,讓教育的想像一步步更立體。

If life is a reality drag show, ZA SHARE is a diversified platform that accommodates every character, every personality, and freely shows varied appearances in different stages of life. Whether it is new-style education; aesthetic education; design thinking; parent-child relationships; sustainable learning; cultural practice; or social initiatives, etc., they are all the elements that constitute ZA SHARE. We gather a variety of possibilities that can be reinterpreted, built into a grand expo, and we sincerely invite you to participate in this drag party. Through communication, conversation, brainstorming, and the process of absorbing and releasing–step by step, we allow the imagination of education to be more complete.

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Parent-Child Learning


Every parent has been a child, and the kids of today will eventually become adults. Our roles in life are replaced by future generations. Different kinds of teaching materials & supplementary media inevitably progress with time. What remain the same are love & company. Let’s stand hand in hand & perform on the same stage contentedly.

  • 「小時尚工坊」是一對在不同時空、不約而同在法國生活學習的姊妹,於2014在臺灣共同創立。致力於推廣兒童美感教育:從『設計一件自己的衣服』開始,引導孩子關注腳下土地、探索自我風格。啟動孩子的設計原創力!

    Petite Mode Studio

    Petite Mode Studio is founded 2014 by a pair of sisters who studied and worked in France. From Sketch to Fabrics, we encourage children to design with their own style and discover the fun of up-cycle fashion as well.We help them dream big and explore that world of fashion design in a fun, playful environment. We also encourage a healthy attitude towards fashion and allow your natural diverse talents and tastes to flourish by discussing your projects and creative thinking.

    • #教材
    • #培育
    • #設計
    • #設計原創力
    小時尚工坊-Petite Mode Studio
  • Edx艾迪客在國際市場深耕多年推廣至90多國,與台灣及澳洲專業顧問合作開發,全系列產品在台灣設計製造,包含學齡前幼兒及小學數學教玩具。讓家長陪伴孩子玩中學,提升教師教學效率,是艾迪客的使命。

    Edx Education

    Over the past 20 years, Edx Education has grown into a major supplier to the international education market, exporting to more than 90 countries. We have an ongoing program of developing innovative products and marketing under the Edx Education brand. We work with leading educators who advise on trends in education and the development of innovative new products. Our education and product development philosophy is “Learning Through Play”.

    • #科學
    • #藝術
    • #遊戲
    • #幼兒教玩具
    Edx艾迪客-Edx Education
  • Qbitoy專注於開發可高度互動共玩的「益智玩具產品」與「教學課程內容」,我們希望透過玩的過程,培養孩子個人邏輯、空間、創造力,經教學引導,逐步培養孩子溝通、社交能力,為親子間創造更多共學共創的機會。


    Qbitoy is working on developing simple, creative and diverse children's interactive toys and courses.Through the process of playing, cultivating children's personal logic, space, creativity, and gradually developing a child's communication, social skills, and leadership, Qbitoy produces educational toys with multiple benefits.Qbi's Building block toys encourage children to interact and play with their parents and peers to develop a sense of logical thinking, Spatial orientation, creativity, Interactive communication, teamwork and overall social skills.

    • #教材
    • #培育
    • #108課綱
    • #共玩共學共創
  • 「ExLearn課外通」-兒童學習發展的最佳規劃師;唯一針對0-15歲課外活動全面完整資訊整合平台!讓家長安排孩子的課程與營隊活動更安心、更有效率!2018年更從雜學展中脫穎而出,進駐「創業獎專區」。


    ExLearn – Best after-school course planner for kids; We collect, filter and integrate information of courses for kids aged 0 to 15, and provide it on a well-organized platform designed by ExLearn. Parents are now able to arrange courses for kids with ease, and stay relieved.

    • #培育
    • #108課綱
    • #平台
    • #課外通
  • 台灣原創桌遊出版社,五年來出版20多款遊戲,將台灣桌遊外銷出口至全球超過20個國家。除了自己設計以及繪製的作品外,我們也接受日本、美國、中國大陸等設計師投稿,以及尋覓各種好玩有趣的桌遊將其代理進台灣。

    EmperorS4 Games

    Taiwanese Board Game Design and Publishing House. We have designed and published more than 20 games in the past 5 years. Our games are available worldwide, in multiple languages.

    • #遊戲
    • #教材
    • #設計
    • #桌遊愛樂事
    桌遊愛樂事-EmperorS4 Games
  • 記憶吐司內含獨創專注頻率及深睡頻率,以低頻磁場共振,白天導引腦波集中專注力,晚上協助延長深睡期,將短期記憶力轉換長期記憶。並延長深睡時間,幫助記憶分類,長期使用,優化記憶系統,掌握專注力!提升學習力!


    FocuSleep has a unique day/night dual-mode frequency, creating exclusive frequencies for the environment that can induce brain wave for concentration and deep sleep at night. During the day, the focus mode has exclusively developed FFT concentration resonance chip, combining invisible protective design to create a three-dimensional frequency magnetic field to reduce disruption from the surrounding, to balance the environment and form a comfortable learning zone, while physical resonance principles are used to induce stable brain wave frequencies to promote the optimization of memory system, take control of your power of focus, increase the learning precision for the brain, vitalize power of association in order to learn more efficiently. At night, the sleep mode will turn short-term memory into long-term memory, while deep sleep can allow the brain complete repair during sleep. Change between the two frequencies and let both modes protect you.

    • #科學
    • #教材
    • #培育
    • #專注力培育
  • LENS的理念是從非主流的環境來進行體驗式教學。我們推廣親子共學、全腦開發學習,透過課程交流,使父母與孩子的距離更接近,過程中發掘孩子的天賦!學習體驗分享最大的目標就是幫助體現人生的價值與快樂。


    The concept of LENS is to create a learning environment by alternative education. We eager to encourage everyone to use appropriate techniques voluntarily while “LEARN”. The passion of “EXPERIENCE” may be required as a lifetime vocation. We love it, dedicate on developing it and make everyone’s talent a real splash. Everyone’s talent of knowing how to “SHARE” may be brought out from one’s original inner desire. The major target is to teach children how to use their sharing ability to create respect from others on the way of learning.

    • #教材
    • #培育
    • #平台
    • #學習體驗分享
    學習體驗分享協會-LENS COUNCIL
  • 我們是教育中心,教學年齡層從嬰孩時期、幼兒時期、學童時期及自學課程,規劃教學課程活動,並開設家長教育課程,教師培訓課程,讓孩子在健全的教育計劃,建立正向樂觀的價值觀,且擁有自學能力迎接瞬息萬變的社會。

    Tree House

    Tree House programs work with children of all ages from infancy through elementary. At Tree House, our philosophy is that of one where education begins with the parents and ongoing training and development of our teachers; it is through working on educating our parents and developing our teachers skills that we achieve the results we desire in educating our children to be autonomous, self-disciplined individuals equipped to tackle the challenges of the world outside the comfort of home.

    • #培育
    • #語言
    • #生活教育
    樹屋-Tree House
  • duck da bomb是一套coding概念紙卡遊戲,對象是就讀小學朋友,通過全unplugged課程。讓孩子在年紀小時候就接觸Coding,了解背後的邏輯思,就算不親身寫程式,也起碼看得懂。

    Duck Da Bomb

    Duck Da Bomb is an educational card game, taking an unplugged approach to teach the concept of coding and computational thinking to the children without a computer. Making it considerably accessible to children where computer access is limited.

    • #教材
    • #培育
    • #程式
    • #程式紙卡遊戲
    Duck Da Bomb-Duck Da Bomb
New-Style Education


Retire your school uniforms―move aside the classroom’s desks & chairs―lay to rest the paper & pens: let’s use our five senses with the present educational context to guide us to various kinds of innovative models, enabling us to explore the world freely. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to find many unexpected ways for the presentation of fresh ideas on the stage of education!

  • 數位魔方科技股份有限公司,致力於XR顯示互動技術開發,已開發如AR照片機、7-11 ibon AR秀好康、Facebook AR應用等產品,教育市場則開發出TOUCHiN XR互動式雲端輔助學習平台

    XR learning platform

    Media Guide Digtial Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to XR display & interactive technology development. We had developed products such as AR photo machine, 7-11 ibon AR show , Facebook AR application, etc. The education market has developed TOUCHIN XR interactive clouding learning platform.

    • #教材
    • #108課綱
    • #平台
    • #XR學習平台
    XR雲端學習平台-XR learning platform
  • Asta團隊致力推廣360度(VR)環物照片,讓人們在虛擬的網路世界也能享受真實世界的賞物體驗。

    Asta360 Spin Photo

    Asta have devoted to promote 360 ° object-VR photos,let everyone can enjoy the real world object experience in the virtual cyberspace.

    • #藝術
    • #設計
    • #平台
    • #來分享作品吧
    旭星互聯牽動你我-Asta360 Spin Photo
  • 入選2019親子天下-教育創新100,VR研習開課累積破百場,教育體系畢業。為提升學生的學習動機與核心素養,因此打造輕便、穩定、快速的AR2VR導覽眼鏡,推動「一人付出共同受惠」的VR共享課程平台。

    AR2VR Ltd.,

    AR2VR was founded in Sep 2016 and is dedicated on Mobile VR. Wireless, Intuitive, Fast and Light is our navigation glasses APP feature. We focus on education and assist enterprise to show their product by VR. People and children don’t want to learn the boring content. So we use tech like AR and VR to let everyone be happy and enhance the students' motivation to learn. And we even help industry and commerce production products or plant VR tour guide to enhance customer trust and purchasing power.

    • #科學
    • #108課綱
    • #平台
    • #VR創課教育
    阿特發AR2VR-AR2VR Ltd.,
  • Surreal Education致力於透過AR/VR來替教育改革,並提供整合式的線上教學資源平台,建構出老師與學生對未來學習的想像藍圖,來提升國民基礎教育學習成效,以期達到翻轉教育的目的。

    Surreal Education

    Surreal Education are devoted to innovation of education through AR/VR, making teachers and students imagine the future learning by the interactive, immersive experience for knowledges of schoolbook. Surreal Education is an integrated online learning platform, providing real-time mutually learning to enhance the learning efficiency of flip education.

    • #教材
    • #108課綱
    • #科技
    • #VR教育
    闇橡科技-Surreal Education
  • 女媧創造成立於2016年,團隊分布在台北、北京丶深圳丶成都等地,擁有人工智慧、軟硬體研發、量產制造、互動內容及體驗設計等專業能力,專注於教育陪伴領域,是業界少見擁有完整研發及設計創造的科技公司。


    NUWA ROBOTICS have teams based in Taipei, Beijing, Shenzhen, and Chengdu with professional capacity for artificial intelligence, research and development of software and hardware, mass production, interactive content, and experience design. Rarely seen in this industry, we are a technology company fully capable of research and development and design.

    • #教材
    • #108課綱
    • #程式
    • #AI教育
  • LUDO是一家教育科技公司,研發線上教學AI工具,並開發互動線上課程。 目前鎖定運動線上教育,提供教練方便的管理系統、影像辨識AI系統,讓學員能用手機錄下自己的練習動作,就得到即時姿勢分析與建議。


    LUDO is an education tech company, developing AI system as a tool for interactive online course. Now LUDO is focusing on "home exercise education", Coaches can spread knowledges online with a better manage system, and students can record their practice movements by phone, get posture analysis feedback instantly.

    • #教材
    • #培育
    • #科技
    • #線上運動教學
  • LiveABC主要經營英語學習市場,經營項目包括數位內容出版、線上英語學習系統與APP、美語連鎖加盟系統。近年來發展英語智慧教室,結合創新科技如AR/VR/機器人的等應用,打造英語學習全新體驗。


    Live ABC Interactive Corporation is a leader and innovator in English language learning market, which included digital interactive learning materials, online English language learning system, apps, and chain English franchise cram school. Recently, we developed English language learning Artificial Intelligence classroom, with innovative technology such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, we offer the whole new experience in English learning.

    • #教材
    • #平台
    • #語言
    • #英語智慧城市
  • 孩子的興趣選擇如同現代版抓周,故臺灣吧今年成立「大抓周教育協會」我們應用多元化的數位內容,激發孩子探索知識的熱情,讓教育也能跟上時代的需求!

    Big Catch Assn.

    Big Catch Assn. devotes to stimulating children’s enthusiasm of learning different fields of knowledge. By continuing producing variety of interesting and educative videos, we make education keep up with times. Join us, and you can be the cornerstone in children’s growth.

    • #教材
    • #科技
    • #文化
    • #大抓周協會
    臺灣吧大抓周協會-Big Catch Assn.
  • 「美感教育資源整合平台建置計畫」為教育部推動美感教育資源整合平台,由本團隊國立清華大學科技藝術研究中心執行,我們以創新科技融合藝術美感思維執行平台建置並希望加以推廣,使美感教育影響台灣各地。

    Aesthetic BFF

    “The Project of Aesthetic Education Resource Platform” is promoted by Ministry of Education and implemented by Our Team (National Tsing Hua University, Research Center for Technology and Art). We use the innovative technology to integrate the artistic, aesthetic and thinking. We developed the resource platform and hope to promote it by new technology. To make Aesthetic Education affect all parts of Taiwan.

    • #藝術
    • #培育
    • #平台
    • #美感教育
    你的美朋友-Aesthetic BFF
  • FAB LAB FBI於2014年成立,現位於清華大學科技藝術研究中心,我們以過去科技藝術跨域經驗為根基、猶太教塔木德思考模式為啟發、創客動手做為方法,致力推動「有A的STEM」K12跨學科創意教育。

    Oh, STEM with A

    FAB LAB FBI was set up in 2014, now is located in Research Center for Technology and Art, National Tsing Hua University. With the experience in TechArt we possess more than twenty years, the mind-set of the Talmud of Judaism, and the maker spirit as practice, we focus on pushing forward “Oh, STEM with A”, the K12 cross-curricular creative learning.

    • #科學
    • #藝術
    • #108課綱
    • #STEAM
    有A的STEM-Oh, STEM with A
  • Lighthouse Camps不僅提供教學服務,同時也啟發孩子們如何勇敢無懼地從錯誤中學習,培養他們在任何領域都能成為一個成功的小小創新菁英。

    Lighthouse Camps

    Here at Lighthouse Camps, we don't just teach. We INSPIRE. Kids learn how to make MISTAKES, how to be FEARLESS, and how to become little innovators geared for SUCCESS in any field.

    • #培育
    • #語言
    • #程式
    • #領先教育
    萊特豪斯有限公司-Lighthouse Camps
  • 艾比索有限公司是漂亮平台的專門開發店,我們將文學、美術設計、以及資訊技術結合,創造出超有趣的東西,【EP插圖日記】是一個將插圖與文字完美結合的日誌部落格,因為一用就會愛上,所以你一定要來用用看

    EP illustration blog

    EPISODE company is a specialist to create ultra-beautiful platform. We do this with literature, art design, and IT technology, that is why our product is so interesting. Our first product - EP (https://episode.cc) is an illustration-based blog on which text writing and illustration embrace each other. Try it and you will love it.

    • #藝術
    • #設計
    • #閱讀
    • #來寫插圖日記
    EP插圖日記-EP illustration blog
  • 跳養App是套具有「專家診斷」功能的AI系統,家長直覺性地填寫題組,系統將精準分析孩子的特質,找出行為問題所在,提供專屬的改善建議及調整教養的策略,引導孩子管理自己的優劣勢能力並發掘天賦。


    “Parentingboom”. Parentingboom is an AI system which can copy the "expert's diagnosis" on the computer. It has dispelled myths about conventional EQ education by creating new frameworks. After observing the child's behavior and processing parents’ questionnaire response, Parentingboom will use AI analysis to suggest improvement options based on the child's personality and talents. Further, parents can adjust the parenting strategy instantly and guide the child to manage their own strengths and weaknesses, in the meantime discovering the child’s talents.

    • #培育
    • #程式
    • #科技
    • #EQ教育
  • EF English Live成立於1996年,隸屬全球最大教育集團EF,擁有超過50年的歷史,目前已經成功的幫助全球超過2,000萬名學員在線上學好英文,是全球最早發展線上英文學習的先驅者。

    EF EnglishLive

    Founded in 1996 and part of the EF group, EF English Live has been at the cutting edge of language learning and the first to pioneer a 24-hour teacher-led online English course. As the world’s largest educational organization with 50 years of teaching experience, EF has helped more than 20 million people across the world to successfully learn English online.

    • #教材
    • #平台
    • #語言
    • #線上外語學校
    英孚教育集團-EF EnglishLive
  • sofasoda專注於為新世代提供未來力升級。通過好吸收的課程、刻意練習、與專家的一對一諮詢,即使身處急遽變化的大環境,每天只要找個舒服的地方專注練習15分鐘,就能逐步強化適應未來的思考和行動力。


    sofasoda is future-proofed learning for the forward-thinking. It's easygoing classes, practical projects, and one-on-one experts. Put your feet up for 15 minutes a day and navigate a rapidly changing socio-economic landscape.

    • #教材
    • #培育
    • #平台
    • #懂玩好學
  • MangoSTEEMS致力於將高品質數位學習教材帶入K-12各級學校,提供機構產品訓練、師訓計畫、課程導入,達到輕鬆教學、多元學習的目標,並協助學校與教師完美掌握十二年國教課綱及其對於核心素養的要求。


    MangoSTEEMS was setup with the vision of addressing the growing needs of the K-12 market in innovative and effective digital education solutions in the area of S.T.E.E.M.S. (Science, Technology, Engineering, English/Languages, Mathematics and Social Studies). MangoSTEEMS was setup in 2018 and is a member of iGroup.

    • #科學
    • #教材
    • #108課綱
    • #STEEMS
  • 挖翻泥土,種下教育的希望種子,夢想,從台灣這塊土地開始。我們相信更有效率的學習會讓台灣變得更好。藉由使用者的學習表現,建立巨大的數據模型,並以獨家開發的行動學習系統,提供更貼近使用者需求的教學服務。


    LIOSHUTAN is a Taiwanes company that is warm and bold in innovation that adopts western cultural ideas. We are of the same mind with Malala in the belief that “One learner, one teacher, a gadget, and the internet can change the world.” and we propagate it. We created a brand called “WUWOW” to summon the members of “the Great English Squad” to help Taiwan get rid of its bottom dwellers in English ability. Now, the operation is on.

    • #教材
    • #平台
    • #語言
    • #線上英文學習
  • 以教育為己任的社會企業,亦為獨立教育團體。視「好老師」為教育核心,透過「生活讀寫、營隊體驗、書刊發行、設計展覽、產學合作」等方式打造學習舞台,培養孩子自主學習的態度與能力,至今已陪伴數千位孩子成長。

    Shining Life

    ShiningLife emphasizes learning by immersing students in progressive cognitive experiences like outdoor camping in the nature, periodical publishing, and cooperative industry academic events to make a true impression on intelligible growth. We give them responsibilities that are community-driven and motivate them to pursue a life-long passionate to be versatile scholars. Our goal is to provide students with leadership skills and inspire them to care about the environment and the betterment of mankind. A Shining Life possible for students.

    • #培育
    • #文化
    • #閱讀
    • #自學共學
    亮語-Shining Life
  • 我們應用多元智能的觀點,透過體驗實作,發展每個孩子的優勢能力,長久以來,我們以勞動為課程主軸,用課本所學到的知識轉化成高品質的產出,讓孩子體驗自立更生的甘苦,歡迎您帶著孩子,加入小校素養教學的行列!

    Learning in Yuguang

    • #108課綱
    • #平台
    • #偏鄉
    • #漁光志工假期
    漁光素養學習基地-Learning in Yuguang
  • 我們致力於程式教育的普及化,希望透過程式教育,培養新世代獨立思考、創意創新、解決問題的能力;透過有趣、方便、個人化的方式,顛覆只有工程師要學程式的觀念,打造一個新的程式學習體驗。


    We are dedicated to popularizing programming education. Through coding, we hope the new generation could be capable of individual thinking, creativity, and the ability to deal with problem. CodingBar creates an interesting, convenient, and personal way to learn coding in a brand new way. Coding is not only for engineer, it’s for everyone.

    • #教材
    • #平台
    • #程式
    • #程式新風格
  • Skyrock是孩子們學習編碼,製作和想像技術可能性的地方。Skyrock在天母、大直以及大安的三個台北分校為4至16歲的學生提供科學,技術和工程課程。所有課程皆由經驗豐富的科技與科學專業教師以中英文授課。

    Skyrock Projects

    Skyrock is where kids learn to code, make and imagine what's possible with technology. Skyrock's three Taipei locations in Tianmu, Dazhi, and Daan have classes in science, technology and engineering for students ages 4 through 16. After school, weekend and day sessions are available 7 days per week. Classes are taught in both Chinese and English from experienced teachers in science and technology.

    • #科學
    • #設計
    • #程式
    • #spclub
    Skyrock Projects-Skyrock Projects
  • 「台灣最高學府」—看我們怎麼在商場頂樓開學校。 道能實教以「體智能」為核心,強調身體的重要性,以整合教育的方式陪伴孩子去探索世界,架構正確的世界觀、價值觀,協助他找到自己的人生目標,並有能力去完成。

    Dao Neng Academy

    "The highest school in Taiwan" - see how we open the school on the top floor of the mall. Dao Neng Academy aims to assist students to excel in physique, intellect and capacities, with special emphasizes on the importance of the body and growth, and accompany children to explore the world in a new way of integrated education. It constructs an accurate world view and fair values, helping children to find their own path, and has the capabilities to achieve it."

    • #培育
    • #108課綱
    • #科技
    • #整合教育
    道能實驗教育-Dao Neng Academy
  • 臺北史代納實驗教育機構致力為臺灣教育寫下不同風景,經過10年努力,我們逐步實現一年級至十二年級之辦學目標。誠心盼望史代納精神能在台灣這塊土地上發光發熱,也讓更多孩子享受華德福教育的滋養。

    Taipei Steiner

    Taipei Steiner is a city Waldorf school, with a goal of preserving the traditions of creative education while simultaneously preparing our graduates to thrive in modern society. We seek to look deeply into the pedagogy of Waldorf education, not simply transferring an Occidental style education over to Taiwan, but rather looking for the Taiwanese traditional way to appreciate its culture. Our goal is to cultivate both artists and engineers; both poets and doctors alike.

    • #藝術
    • #教材
    • #培育
    台北史代納-Taipei Steiner
  • 我們是自學團體 - 無界塾的學生組成的一個6人小團隊,致力於分享同學們是如何找到自己的興趣、規劃自己的學習,試圖帶給大家追逐夢想的自信。

    WUJIE on my way

    We are a small team from self-study group - By The Student, our work is aboutsharing how our student finds their interest, planning their learning by theirself, We want to bring confidence for everyone to follow their dream.

    • #培育
    • #我的學習歷程
    無界 on my way-WUJIE on my way
Educational Design


Aesthetics can make education more attractive! In order to better catch people’s attention, it’s necessary to elicit deep thoughts & not only rely on the aesthetics of the constantly changing masquerade. Design is not only about the elements, such as colors and lines, but about logical organisation. Either enlarging it or making it smaller makes an impact. The goal is to inspire our eyes & enhance the masses’ understanding of aesthetics so that we can adequately respond to modern day lifestyle issues, while reshaping the stereotype of learning with a new look.

  • 2013年起致力於推動「美感教科書計畫」,串連臺灣知名設計師重新設計教科書,培養孩子的多元美感體驗及創造力。未來希望長期推動臺灣「教育設計」產業,號召不同領域的專業一起關心教育,創造更美的學習風景。


    Taiwanese children spend considerable hours studying plain and boring textbooks. The Aestheticell team collaborated with famous artists and designers since 2013 to redesign the textbooks of Mandarin Chinese, English, math, social studies, and science. Through this project, Taiwan government has modified its textbook pricing policy and publishers are willing to add aesthetic elements to their textbooks.

    • #培育
    • #設計
    • #閱讀
    • #教育設計
  • 相對傳統從自然中取材製造,現今新世代創作者處於商品氾濫的都市自然中,以都市為新礦場,從中觀察、採集、思考、再造現成物件,這樣的再加工方式被我們定義為「後製造」。透過三組作品探討後製造不同面向的可能性。


    "Being In urban nature heavily commodified by the glut of goods, humans' creative behavior no longer only acquiring raw materials from nature, mass-produced commodities have become the most ubiquitous resources in our daily life. The creators of the new generation perceive urban as a neo-natural mine, goods as raw materials, taking materials from ready-made, observing, collecting, thinking and manufacturing. They call it ""Post-manufacture"". ""Post-manufacture"" will be represented by three different aspects via three different projects to further explore the new look of daily commodities."

    • #科學
    • #藝術
    • #設計
    • #後製造
  • 賽先生科學工廠是一個為熱愛科學趣味的人們所打造的品牌,我們生產與銷售各式科學主題的禮品,讓你的生活充滿品味與樂趣,賽先生科學工廠擁有自己的設計團隊、實體店面與國內外購物網。

    Mr. Sci Science Factory

    Mr Sci is a brand founded by a bunch of people who think Science is FUN. We provide a wide variety of Scientific theme products, which could provide your life with full of HAPPINESS and GOOD TASTE.

    • #科學
    • #藝術
    • #設計
    • #下課後實驗室
    賽先生科學工廠-Mr. Sci Science Factory
  • 果嶼將「以農為根,以果為本」視為初衷與理念,重視環境更尊重生命。透過「農業價值再造」將農產精緻化與記錄化,期望讓大眾瞭解這塊土地上所發生的人文故事,並珍惜每一顆水果。

    good island

    Guoyu regards “taking agriculture as its root and taking fruit as its foundation” as its original intention and philosophy, and attaches importance to the environment and respects life. Through the "reconstruction of agricultural values", the agricultural products will be refined and recorded, and it is hoped that the public will understand the human stories that have occurred on this land and cherish every fruit.

    • #平台
    • #文化
    • #產品
    • #歪果
    果嶼-good island
  • 以「日日都能喝上一杯水果」作為初衷 嚴選天然果材,並以台灣在地果物作為主要原料 秉持職人精神,嚴謹熬煮、用心調製, 釋放縈繞於果物中的風土底蘊 為每一識味人奉上一杯文化的雋永。

    O Land

    The original intention of ""can drink a cup of fruit every day"" Select natural fruit and use Taiwanese fruit and fruit as the main raw material Adhere to the spirit of the staff, rigorously cook, carefully modulated, Release the terroir that surrounds the fruit For everyone who knows the taste of a cup of culture.

    • #培育
    • #文化
    • #飲食
    • #自然系珍珠
    拾果-O Land
  • 來自美國的懶骨頭專家,提供全方位休息選擇,為繁忙緊張的都市生活注入更多愜意與紓壓,商品多樣化且多功能性、色彩繽紛好搭配、輕巧便利好搬運、背脊服貼好支撐、以及完全無塵螨,任誰都能輕鬆打造絕佳的居住空間。


    Yogibo is the new generation of bean bag furniture, providing an entirely new lounging experience. It's the perfect casual furniture to fit your awesome lifestyle.

    • #藝術
    • #培育
    • #產品
    • #最強懶骨頭


Naughty Exhibition


The generational gap in life is bigger than ever. There are always more than just two possibilities for you to choose from. You will see flexible thinking outside the echo-chamber, and dare to defy current circumstance, like the unknown "X", which cannot be defined and restricted by anyone. Come witness the infinite creativity and enthusiasm, and feel the wild spirit of being naughty!

點擊查看展館資訊 View All Map
  • 印刷,是一種五感體驗的集合, 印刷作為設計的延伸,感官文化印刷致力於「印刷體驗」的實踐,讓看似門檻較高的印刷知識與相關體驗可以透過溝通以及印件的製作傳遞出去,藉此擴大印刷的各種可能性。


    Printing, is a collection of five senses of experience. As an extension of design, SENSATIONS PRINT is devoted to the practice of “printing experience”, so that printing knowledge and related experiences with thresholds can be transmitted through communication and production of prints, thereby expanding the possibilities of printing.

  • 這是一個無法預知的計畫。 我們透過網路募資,集合各地廢棄的布料,有舊衣、床單、窗簾、蕾絲..等等,甚至除了布料以外的廢棄物。 我們清洗、整理、剪開再重組,在沒有侷限的狀態下創作。

    Cut and Reorganized

    This is an unpredictable plan. We have received fabrics from people through the Internet, including old clothes, bed sheets, curtains, lace, and sometimes a shell. . We clean, organize, cut and reorganize outside the box think outside the box.

    剪破爛棄布再生-Cut and Reorganized
  • 這是一個試圖讓「哲學融入生活」的展覽。我們想營造出一個自在的場域,讓所有人都能以自己喜歡的方式,體驗哲學思考。從貼近生活的問題開始,讓大家了解到生活中有許多事是可以被質疑的,從而開始觀察、提問與反思。

    DOXA Philosophy Expo is initiated by a group of students from National Taiwan University. We expect that more people can practice critical thinking in their daily life. Therefore, we’d like to invite people to experience the process of philosophical reflection by creating a friendly environment to discuss philosophical questions which we used to ignore. After the process of philosophical thinking, we can then learn how to observe, question, reflect and have a deeper understanding of our life.

  • 身在異鄉,心繫我城。 香港邊城青年是一群關心香港的在台港人,致力促進台港社會交流和理解,共同追求人權、民主和自由的普世價值。

    HK Outlanders

    The Hong Kong Outlanders is a group of Taiwan-based Hong Kongers, who give their dearest concerns to the interaction of Taiwan and Hong Kong. We aim at encourage and pursue universal values such as human rights, democracy and freedom.

    香港邊城青年-HK Outlanders
  • 國際民主教育論壇,讓世界更美好! IDEC並不是一個組織團體,而是由世界各地的參與者共同促成的國際聚會。 我們討論、激盪、分享,並努力推廣「民主教育」到世界各地。 在2022年IDEC將由台灣主辦!


    IDEC. It's not an organization; it's a movement of Democratic Education.

  • 依據「性格調育、天賦開展」開發出展賦教育系統,提供每個年齡層不同的教育任務建議,期盼協助每一個人找到適合的教養及教育方式。目前有國小至高中自學團、展賦劇團,未來將透過展賦非大學更完整實踐展賦的教育理念


    Based on the objectives of “personality and talent development”, we developed the education system, providing different educational tasks for each age group, giving parents advice on parenting methods, and looking forward to assisting everyone in finding suitable education and education methods.

  • 發落文化由2019臺灣尾牙團隊合力組成,由活動企劃、平面設計師、平面攝影師、影像團隊組成。 我們的目標並非將傳統文化創新,而是以活動等方式,讓大家接觸原本樣貌的傳統文化,希望大家以行動實踐臺灣文化。

    Follow Culture

    Follow Cultural Association is associated by the team members of Taiwan bué-gê team 2019. Our team includes Activities PR Personnel, Graphic Designer, photographer and image production team. The vision of our team is not to create the new style of traditional cultural. We dedicated to make a chance for everyone to understand what is the true traditional cultural by holding activities. We hope to put our vision of traditional cultural into practice for everyone.

    發落文化臺灣尾牙-Follow Culture
  • 「臨時起意,不如臨時動議;理念難有問題,有的都是技術問題。」綜合事務性公司「臨時動議」,曾經手學生社群世界大會、八年級年會、數次培力工作坊、藝文交流平台、教育及文化策展、藍染文化、博物館商品企劃等等。


    Let the spur-of-the-moment movement become an extempore motion. An integrated curation company, once held student world congress, the annual meeting for the new generation of workers, ""Complex Festival"", workshops, education and culture curation, Indigo dyeing, museum produce planning, etc.

  • DreamVok有超過8年科技研發、休閒旅遊、健康照護、金融保險和公共服務之顧問經驗。與5% Design Action攜手聚焦於熟齡市場、青銀共創、健康照護設計,期望帶動更多翻轉第二人生的產品與服務

    Wisdom 100

    Based on 8 years of experience working on over 350 innovative products and service design in the fields of R&D, travel, healthcare, finance, and public services, DreamVok has developed the “Dechnology” innovation method, which combines service design, business model creation, and technology integration. Furthermore, due to the rise in the aging society, DreamVok and 5% Design Action also focuses on the next 50⁺market to generate new solutions that can transform the “Chapter Two” in life.

    大人資料庫-Wisdom 100
  • 心晴,以通用設計的精神,以服務設計的方法為銀髮族及弱勢族群,創新設計預防失智的生活用具、潛能開發玩具;特別是提供特殊兒童和一般兒童,均可自主使用的創意玩具。

    SUN's Social Design

    We are a group of volunteers for little angels who are special education children. With these angels, we invent and design new games through brainstorming, hands-on experience, and the interchange of ideas. We hope they can be motivated to learn by interesting games and have moods that are as bright as the sun every day.

    心晴社會設計-SUN's Social Design
  • 以表達性藝術舞動治療的理論概念,提供創新的「動態情感教育模式」,在安全的情境下表達及學習情緒管理,培養同理心,並藉由互動的體驗性課程,提升人際社交的能力。


    We offer a “dynamic emotional learning model” that uses theory from the expressive arts and dance movement therapies and interactive, experiential programming to provide participants opportunities to self-express, practice emotional management, nurture empathy, and increase interpersonal social skills.

  • 「壹柒伍捌」取自「一起舞吧」的諧音,期待讓每一位想跳舞的偏鄉孩子都能有跳舞的機會;讓每一位對舞蹈有熱情的年輕人,都能發揮所長、回饋社會。


    The name "1758" is a homophonic translation of "Let's dance together" in Chinese. We want to create chances for children living in the suburb areas access to dancing. Besides, we provide teenagers who are passionate about dancing a chance to contribute their talents and dedicate themselves to society.

  • 「底家哦」取閩南語「在這裡學習」之意,以故事情境做包裝,為魚肚白設計所策劃,以「屏東教育」為核心的教育主題展。我們鼓勵孩童從生活出發,向文化和自然環境學習,引領孩童於體驗中連結在地情感並更加認識自己。

    tí jia o̍h

    The title of the first Education Design Expo in Pingtung comes from Taiwanese, meaning ‘learn here’. Curated by BELLY WHITE, the expo offers local educational concept-oriented experiences by turning unique educational contents in Pingtung to interactions for children. As Pingtung encourages children to learn from their culture and natural environment, the expo aims to guide children to ‘learn here’, that is, to build the connection with Pingtung and get to know more about themselves.

    底家哦-tí jia o̍h
  • 專注為這個時代的青年,打造「從想法到行動」的第一哩路! 有一點像創業競賽,但其實並不是創業競賽... 在這,我們不要求你精心策劃一份商業計畫, 而是要你從「發現問題」開始,採取「最簡單可行」的行動。

    Rethink Taiwan 2019

    When you see a social problem, how do you take the first action? Rethink Taiwan facilitate young people to focus on the problem first rather than building a model really quick. We believe by taking action, you can understand the real world faster.

    青年迴響計畫-Rethink Taiwan 2019
  • 寫,即是一種療癒。透過多型態的書寫導引及互動,加深對自己的關注、練習表達自己的情緒,從日常生活裡提升自我覺察。

    Date Myself

    We see writing as therapy. Through multiple ways of writing guide, we could enhance self-care, practice self-expression, and gradually improve self-awareness in daily life.

    Date Myself-Date Myself
  • 荷光性諮商專業訓練中心,包含「荷光成人性諮商中心」與「芸光兒童與青少年性諮商中⼼」。我們提供性諮商專業培訓,各發展階段和多元族群的諮商與性健康促進講座。願從0-100歲,都能享受幸福洋溢的美好

    Beone sex counseling

    Beone sexuality counseling center Composed of two facilities, Beone sexuality counseling center and Beyoung youth sexuality counseling center. We provide professional training for sexuality counseling across variety of developmental stages, counseling for multi-sexual population and lectures for sexual health promotion. May every living soul from zero to a hundred-year-old embrace the loveliness of life.

    荷光性諮商中心-Beone sex counseling
  • 沐懷是一個「美好人生孵化器」,匯聚追尋夢想與卓越的跨領域人才,導入史丹福大學的創新方法學,協助個人、團隊、機構與生態圈,掌握先機、重新定向,跨出正向改變的第一步。

    MoodWide Life Design

    MoodWide is a “good life incubator” that brings together cross-disciplinary talents who pursue dreams and excellence. Introduces Stanford University's innovative methodology to assist individuals, teams, institutions and ecosystems, grasp opportunities, reorient, and change positively. The first step.

    沐懷設計美好人生-MoodWide Life Design
  • 浪犬博士社會企業,致力於讓訓練變得簡單又好玩。協助狗狗家長透過多元且有趣的方式學習用狗狗的方式疼愛狗,享受與狗狗相處最純真的快樂,並將訓練盈餘20%投入於校園下一代的動保教育以及領養制度的優化。讓對有養狗的人、準備要養狗的人,以及未來要養狗的下一代教育都能正向循環,持續下去。

    Dr. Stray

    Dr. Stray envisions a world that people and dogs live happily, peacefully together for their lifetime. We provide structural, innovative education and training courses for dog parents, dog adopters and school education to prevent dog abandonment.

    浪犬博士-Dr. Stray
  • 自學生是一個由實驗教育學生於2018年7月所成立的台灣實驗教育組織,致力於非學校型態實驗教育資訊傳遞及學生權益的維護與協助。

    The Homeschooler

    The Homeschooler is a Taiwan experimental education organization founded by several homeschooling students in July 2018. We devoted to protect the rights and welfare of the homeschoolers, and to disseminate relevant information.

    自學生-The Homeschooler
  • 「拆框工作坊」專營在家自學及開放式關係的互助社群,重視連結及合作,陪伴及培力人能走向真實的自主。過來人幫助新手,同類支持同類,從拆框探尋自由、試探冒險、明瞭侷限,進而打造屬於自己的新框框。

    Chaikuang Workshop

    Chaikuang Workshop is a society which focusing on homeschooling and open relationship. Connecting, cooperating, helping and empowering members to practice the true life.The experienced persons will assist and support the fresh persons from the workshop to seek the real freedom, The persons have something in common also helping each other to pursuit finding the limited then discover the new frames by themselves.

    拆框工作坊-Chaikuang Workshop
  • 我們是一群關心台灣自學生態的夥伴,實際創造一個開放、舒適的共學環境,提供自學生作專案、共組學習交流活動場地租借、以及自學諮詢、自學相關資源的訊息,歡迎一起來做事!

    Together Is Better

    We are a group who care about Taiwan's self-learning ecology. We create an open and comfortable environment for learning together. We provide information on self-study projects, group study and exchange activities, homeschooler consultation and related resources. Welcome to do things together!

    一起共作室-Together Is Better
  • 幾個自學生因緣際會而聚在一起。我們期望建立並提供「空間、平台、機會、交流」給予不同背景的你們。聚集一切事物、各方的人們。創造交集,建立交流,製造火花。 深信世界之大,而人與人之間的能量必定有所留下。

    Chu Chi Lai

    We, several homeschooled students, gathered together in 2018 for work projects.Even though we all come from different backgrounds, we hope to create a place that provides space, platforms, chances, and communication for you.Even in such a big world, we still believe in the power of connection between individuals.

    聚起來-Chu Chi Lai
  • 全球在家教育交流平台(GHEX)的任務是要推廣、聯繫和支持全球的在家教育社群。在家教育是受到國際法保護的權利,除了是家長決定學生受教育方式的權利外,也是學生接受能滿足其需要和目標的個人化教育的權利。

    Global Home Edu Conf

    Global Home Education Exchange’s mission is to advance, connect, and equip the global home education community. The ability to choose home education is a right. It’s a right well-documented in international law. It’s our right as parents to direct the education of our children. And it’s the right of each child to receive an individualized education experience that best suits their needs and goals. This concept cuts across cultures, methods, and beliefs. It exists regardless of motivation or methodology in home education. We are working to connect and inform the global education community—from policy makers to home education organizations, leaders, and families—through the use of technology, newsletters, regional and global conferences, and moderated exchange of information.

  • 只要年滿16歲您就能接受飛行訓練。過了17歲的生日您就能報考飛機駕駛執照。考取駕照後您可以租一架小飛機帶著您的親人或好友一起飛,未來還有機會成為專業機師。今天就下定決心,明年這個時候您已經是一位飛行員!

    Be a Pilot

    At 16 years old, you're free from flight trainings. At 17 years old, you're free from getting a Private Pilot License (PPL). With a PPL, you're legally to take your families and friends to the sky for a joyful ride. Even better, together we're opening a door to become a professional pilot in the future. So come to join us to be a pilot. Let's soar like an eagle in the sky.

    展翅飛行教室-Be a Pilot
  • 社團法人邊邊女力協會堅持女性主義及多元性/別視角,希望透過領導力培訓、知識創生、社會教育與國際倡導等工作,集結被傳統異性戀父權所壓迫的個人與群體力量,從而生產論述、翻轉污名,推動性/別平等。

    Food Lessons

    We envision a just, equal, and sustainable society for everyone to live regardless of one’s gender identification, gender expression, and sexual orientation. To reach the goal, we hope to empower the marginalized individuals and groups who have been oppressed by hetero-patriarchy through leadership development, knowledge creation, social education, and international advocacy. We produce discourses, subvert stereotypes, and promote sex/gender equality from the standpoints of different edges.

    食食課課-Food Lessons
  • 雞湯來了為結合家庭、幼兒、教育及心理背景的團隊,認為親子教養不能只靠經驗談,希望推廣有學術根據的家庭知識、正向溝通、關係經營等內涵。

    Chicken Soup Family

    Equipped with professions, the Chicken Soup Family Life Education Team promotes effective education, parental education, family learning program by articles, activities and events.We believe that the relationships within family are like chicken soup, needing us to take care with patience and consideration. Via life-long learning and communication, every family could learn and achieve better life.

    雞湯來了-Chicken Soup Family
  • 勇氣即興2004年成立於台北,是台灣第一個專事即興劇的劇團。勇氣即興給自己的任務是,透過專業的即興劇演出及訓練,推動合作的藝術,當下的創造力、解放更多人與生俱來的勇氣。

    Guts Improv Theatre

    Guts Improv Theatre was founded by Wu, Hsiao-Hsien in 2004. It's the first theatre company that dedicated to improvisational theatre in Taiwan. We envision to unleashing more Taiwanese's innate skill and make Taiwan a more creative place trough professional improv performances and workshops. Besides Taiwan, Guts Improv had also brought Taiwanese Improv to Hong-Kong, Macau, China, Australia, New Zealand.

    勇氣即興劇場-Guts Improv Theatre
  • WORD UP為數位教材的線上購買平台,提供更符合新世代需求的教材購買管道。除了數位化教材,WORD UP更提供A.I.演算法幫助學習者能夠提高學習效率,透過答題結果推薦適合的練習內容。


    WORD UP is an online marketplace and learning platform to connect students, teachers and publishers. We provide a marketplace that allows students and schools to purchase content and materials directly from publishers.Our machine learning model analyzes students review behavior and recommends the vocabulary/questions they should review again at the next time. From our quantitative analysis, we reduce study time by 30%-50% to remember the same amount of vocabulary compared with paper-based learning.

    單字救星-WORD UP
  • 時答特致力於社會創新產品開發,且每一個產品都是為了解決社會問題而存在


    Start Inc. is a Social Enterprise, engage in developing innovative products which are practical and friendly used for everyone. Every product by Start Inc. aims to solve multiple social issues as easy as possible.

  • Only實驗教育--社會創業型中學具有三大特色,包括生涯規劃、社會創業、家庭重塑。在生涯規劃方面,是透過「玩中學18學群-建立學習歷程檔案」,提升學生學習動機,期望學生在未來升學與就業間,能取得身心靈平衡人生。

    Only homeschool

    Hello, we are Only homeschool, we stayed in Kaohsiung and Taichung, had about 20 familys fallow us, we think our opinion of education are everyone have their way, we just need to accompany our students, they will find their own paths, In the last, we want to find new partner in Taipei, so if you are interested, just tell us.

    Only實驗教育-Only homeschool
  • 野雪塾是創立於日本長野白馬村的國際滑雪學校,由冬奧級選手文彥博與美國PSIA Freeski Lv.2教練陳明秀共同創立,以提供高品質滑雪教學而著稱。團隊夥伴皆懷抱強烈熱情,志在分享滑雪運動的美好。

    Noyuki Academy

    Founded by Taiwanese snowboarding athlete Perry Moon and PSIA Freeski Lv.2 coach Zozo Chen-Wernik in Hakuba, Japan.The Noyuki Academy is known to provide high-quality snowsports lessons and instructor training courses, a member school of the American AASI-PSIA Western Division. ""Share the stoke"" is our motto.

    野雪塾-Noyuki Academy


Social Zigzag

當「雜學」遇見「社會事」!!!「雜學校」與「點點善」策動「阿雜社會事」(Social Zigzag)展覽,邀請創作者與企業單位共同思辯,企圖策動結合設計、藝術、感知體驗;建立起社會創新展演場域與大眾對話,創造出具有大眾潮流感的「社會事」。阿雜社會事(Social Zigzag)是指社會中人群形形色色的混和; 「阿雜」意旨混和、曲折、蜿蜒,同時也寓意著大眾在探尋社會平衡的實驗歷程。本次展覽帶領觀展者從三大主題探索社會觀點:・理解:讓社會大眾除了看見彼此的優勢更強調共創所帶來的(人群)力量・轉變:從追求個人需求轉為實踐永續發展(生活) 目標・延伸:透過創新設計打造(循環)的生活價值。 七大主題展區,期許帶給大眾社會不同角度的激盪與想像,進而讓大眾從展覽體驗中找到更有意義的生活方式。「阿雜社會事」邀請大眾一起參與這場社會思辯的實驗,讓SDGs永續目標成為「 大眾潮流」 ,讓社會議題成為「 大眾生活」

When ZaShare meets social issuesCurated by ZaShare and Agoood, Social Zigzag tries to stir up the debate with creators and enterprises, connect with design, art and perception experience, build up the interactive stage for social innovation with the public, and make social issues fashionable.Social Zigzag is the mix up of a variety of crowds in the society. Zigzag means the mixture, the torture, also the process of finding social balance by the public. Visitors can discover the social issues through three main approaches:-Aware: To know not only the advantages but also the power of co-creation from the public.-Change: From personal demand to the adoption of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).-Extend: Through the innovative design to build up the value of life.Through these seven exhibition areas, we hope to bring the different critical thinking and imagination to the public, and find out the more meaningful living style from the visiting experience.Social Zigzag invites you to participate in this social experiment, make SDGs the public trend, and bring social issues into daily life.
