
My Magic Wardrobe workshop

在這個彩色的衣櫥裡, 認識服飾的色彩關係,感受季節的色彩魔力,透過服裝與飾品的組合搭配,玩轉季節中多樣的穿搭風格!

In this colorful wardrobe, you’ll learn the basics of color combinations and seasonal themes.
Explore the wardrobe to discover how color influences fashion. Mix and match the pieces to discover your own personal style. Look for colors that complement each other, and don’t forget to think about how the colors work for each season.

  • 雜學沙龍

  • 11/30・13:00-14:30


  • 小時尚工坊 Petite Mode Studio
    黃慧君 Juliette
