
Ellipse Foci Must Be Crazy


Have you drawn an oval? What tools did you draw with? An ellipse is longer and flatter than a circle, and what else? Do you notice the mysterious foci? Join us to explore the mysterious foci! In “Ellipse Foci Must Be Crazy” we will lead you to draw ellipses, make ellipses, and explore the foci. You may learn how to draw an ellipse, the principles of kinematics and construction design, and make your unique and creative artwork. Join us!

  • 雜學沙龍

  • 11/29・18:00-19:30


  • 有A的STEM Oh, STEM with A!
    許素朱 Su-Chu Hsu (Xiaoniu)、張雅婷 Ya-Ting Chang (Zoe)

    FAB LAB FBI於2014年成立,現位於清華大學科技藝術研究中心,我們以過去科技藝術跨域經驗為根基、猶太教塔木德思考模式為啟發、創客動手做為方法,致力推動「有A的STEM」K12跨學科創意教育。