本場邀請具美國、臺灣與中國經驗的資深創投圈人士與會,分享投資教育科技公司的經驗。活躍於美國與亞洲的心元資本,曾參與多家紐約上市公司,包括英語流利說(NYSE: LAIX)的早期投資;Hustle fund 團隊來自矽谷,曾輔導過上百家新創團隊,尤其在產品開發,用戶增長跟行銷方面;活水資本是由京東及知名創投GGV背景的資深投資人成立,去年開始投資教育領域;來自香港的Creta Ventures 合夥人Vince,長期活躍於大中華地區的教育投資社群。
We put together a panel of VCs with extensive Ed-tech investment experiences in U.S., China, and Taiwanese markets. Cherubic Venture has invested now NYSE listed LAIZ, Hustle fund specialize in helpiing companies in growth hacking, Ondine Capital has a few STEM investments in the pipeline ,and Creta Ventures has been an active player in Greater China Edtech theme.