
How to talk about sex with teenagers

面對新世代青少年性議題,「溝通」比「教育」更重要,因為此發展階段的青少年需要自主的力量,也期待內心的聲音能被成人聆聽與回應,如何創造『賦權合作』的溝通關係,將是支撐其我認同發展的重要力量。 在本講座中,將分享由荷光心理師/性諮商所設計與帶領的青少年性健康營隊、桌遊媒材、如何回應青少年相關性好奇的重要內涵及操作重點,與在場的家長、教育及心理工作者以一同交流,希望能藉此增進更多青少年性健康的系統合作。

On facing the issue of sexuality in younger generation, communication is way more important than education since adolescents in this certain period of time are developing their own autonomy and they need their voices to be heard and responded by adults.
Thus, how to create an mutual learning relationship with the ideas of empowerment and cooperation plays an essential role in supporting their growth and identity. In this speech, we will present our work in adolescent sexual health camp and board game designed by psychologists and sexual counselors. Also we will share how to use some useful strategies to answer the questions raised by curious young teenagers ,with parents, educators and help professionals. Hope we can gather together to build a better systematic cooperation in teenagers’ sexuality health by this opportunity.

  • 雜學沙龍

  • 11/30・15:30-16:00


  • 荷光性諮商中心 Beone sex counseling
    龍冠華 性諮商師 Guan-Hua Lung
