也許你聽過全美語,但這個在地的「美」應該跟你想的不一樣!2019年夏天,在花蓮玉里秀姑巒溪旁,啟動了一個體制外的全阿美族語幼兒學習空間。 在這裡,孩子用阿美語玩耍、上課,也會不小心用阿美語吵架;在這裡,溪流是上課的重點,孩子要在溪流、田野跟山林中認識四季變化跟環境,並透過歌謠及手作,學習自己族群的文化。想瞭解為什麼要創立這樣的學校,過程中又有什麼有趣或辛苦的故事嗎?邀請你一同來南島魯瑪社聽馬躍的分享!
Located besides Xiuguluan River, a Pangcah kindergarten – The River School started in Yuli, Hualien in the summer of 2019. It’s an alternative school where children speak Pangcah language while playing, talking and fighting each other. In The School, the river is the core of education. Through singing, farming and lots of hand making the experience, children immersed in Pangcah culture will know what it means to be a Pangcah people. Come to hear Mayaw Biho’s sharing about The River School!