
Love what you like: turning interests into a career


The guest speakers in this final session are both pioneers in education, one in the field of self-learning and the other in technical and vocational education. Taiwan’s education system has been evolving throughout the years and has entered the new multidimensional era. However, students and their parents often feel uncertain and disorienting about the system and have little understanding about the significance and related resources of these novel forms of learning. Thanks to the two speakers, more and more educational institutions start to take self-learning and technical and vocational education seriously, and more and more people are gaining better understanding of these trends. In today’s final talk, the two educators will discuss the difficulties students might encounter in self-learning and technical and vocational education, as well as the future prospects of these new learning trends. It is hoped that everyone can be passionate and confident about learning in their life.

  • 雜學論壇

  • 12/1・13:10-14:00


  • 黑嘉嘉
    台灣棋院 職業圍棋手
