沒有人會教你的YouTuber生存之道: 用自己的速度,走出自己的路

Surviving as a YouTuber: your pace, your way


The two speakers feature in this session have both swiftly won enormous popularity as YouTubers. Their YouTube channels are quite unusual, with one creating educational and thought-provoking videos which incorporate current social issues and the other focusing purely on music in the hope of soothing people’s mind in today’s busy society. The channels are not merely for entertainment, and the contents they produce are not related to what they specialized in at school. Thus, this is a great opportunity to learn more about how they manage the channel and their secrets of self-learning.

  • 雜學論壇

  • 12/1・15:10-16:00


  • 張志祺
    簡訊設計 共同創辦人、知識型Youtuber

    張志祺,簡訊設計|圖文不符共同創辦人。28 歲,成功大學都市計劃學系畢業;總是在減肥,是個憎恨熬夜但每天都熬夜的矛盾男子。為臺灣協作過最多圖文懶人包的人之一。
    致力於社會關鍵議題與資訊設計的整合與推廣;並在資訊設計的領域裡,不斷地努力。曾兩次榮獲德國紅點設計大獎 Best of the Best, 金點設計獎 年度最佳設計 與多項國際設計大獎。近期亦投入 YouTube 影片創作,是個劈腿級的跨領域創作者。

  • 蔡佩軒
    網路 音樂創作才女