
Technology in Today’s Education Scene


This session is comprised of short talks by three teachers of varied backgrounds. Despite working in different fields, they all make efforts in “promoting and practicing technological education”. Introducing Coding Ocean, a board game that lowers the threshold for beginners to learn programming through playing; an elementary school programming teacher stirs up a wave of programming champions in the school, and thus further promotes the imagination of AI computing thinking. With the service of digital technology, the ways of learning are unlimited. Education has advanced from a classroom with one teacher to an online customized Q&A service, implementing Confucius’ conviction that teachers should tailor their teaching to students’ varied abilities. Through these three talks, we hope that parents can see the infinite possibilities of the education scene.

  • 雜學論壇

  • 11/30・13:10-14:00


  • 徐煊博 Hsu Hsuan-Po
    程式老爹公司負責人General Manger, Papacode Education Ltd.


  • 徐之杰 Glen Hsu
    2018-2019 奇幻盃全球挑戰賽世界冠軍暨第四名指導教練 Champion Coach, 2018-2019 Wonder League Robotics Competition

    中原大學電機研究所畢業,Dash & Dot 講師、英閱音躍研創講師、中原大學EMBA程式業師、桃園青年局程式業師,桃園私立有得國小、新竹私立康乃爾國小等多所國小程式老師。
    Dash & Dot 2019世界賽第一、四名指導教練並獲得15萬獎金;Dash & Dot 2018世界賽第三名指導教練。

  • 蘇詩涵 Stephanie Su
    Snapask幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Snapask

    曾操作3C消費品牌全球行銷與加商資安軟體服務亞太銷售總監的蘇詩涵,現為負責 Snapask 服務運營的幕僚長。