
Interdisciplinary self-learning: leaving no one behind


When a magician meets a teacher, there is bound to be some interdisciplinary chemistry. The great versatilities of the two speakers can be seen from the projects each of them has undertaken in their own fields. They will talk about their own self-learning experience as students, as they have once been, and offer advice for students in terms of self-learning from a teacher’s perspective, as both of them has taken on teaching jobs. Moreover, the two speakers have also been actively involved in social issues, and despite the different routes they take to make their voice heard, both are interesting and effective. They will share about the valuable experience in connecting their professions with social issues.

  • 雜學論壇

  • 12/1・14:10-15:00


  • 吳何
    世界魔術大賽 紙牌魔術師

    吳何(Horret Wu),生於臺灣的魔術師,鑽研魔術16年,⾃2010 年開始嶄露頭角,在亞洲各⼤魔術比賽中不斷獲勝。擅長⽤創新的演繹⽅式來呈現古典的紙牌魔術。 2015年7月代表臺灣參加三年一度的FISM世界魔術⼤賽,用獨創的大牌魔術擊敗世界各國好手,並獲得了紙牌魔術部門的冠軍,成為世界賽63年來第一位在近距離領域獲得冠軍的亞洲人。

  • 黃益中
    大直高中 公民教師
