Everyone Can Create – 運用iPad教學激發學生的創作及感知能力

Everyone Can Create - How to facilitate student’s creativity and perceptibility with iPad

人人皆可創作,創作是人的生命熱誠的極致表現,也是深度學習的一種方法。藉由科技工具,我們可以多走一步,讓學生把閱讀帶來的所思所想化為自己的創作,連結生命,成就自己的作品,這樣深度學習才會發生。運用iPad 上的免費工具,拍片動畫、作曲混音,都能輕鬆做到,讓學生多元化地表達自己的想法。一起來看看香港的中學生,運用iPad上課的日常課業。

Everyone can create. Creation is the ultimate expression of enthusiasm in life and also a way of deep learning. With the help of technological tools, we can go a step further and enable students to turn their reading-inspired thoughts into their creation, connect their lives and produce their works, so that deep learning can take place. Utilizing the free apps on iPad, students can easily make films and animations, compose and remix music to express their ideas in a diversified way. Let's take a glimpse at how iPad has become part of the scenery in Hong Kong middle schools.

  • 雜學論壇

  • 11/30・11:10-12:00


  • 鄭淑華 Betty Cheng
    香港翻轉教學協會副會長 Vice-president, FlippEducators@HK

    現職香港華人基督教聯會真道書院,擔任專業發展主任、中國語文科統籌,任教香港中學文憑中國語文科、IBDP國際文憑語言及文學科。蘋果傑出教育工作者ADE2013、蘋果專業培訓專家APLS。2018獲「親子天下」選為教育創新100領袖。2016年創辦香港翻轉教學協會,現為副會長,合著有《翻轉Teach & Learn — 8位老師帶你走進不一樣的教室》,是香港第一部前線老師談論翻轉課堂的專書。

  • 張展瑋 Kelvin Cheung
    任教於香港瑪利諾中學Teacher at Maryknoll Secondary School
